
Wisconsin’s WB-14 Residential Condominium Offer to Purchase (CONDO SELLERS BEWARE)

On September 1, 2020, Wisconsin’s WB-14 form become the standard form used by real estate brokers on behalf of their clients to purchase condominiums.  As drafted, it is a trap for the Seller, and any Broker using it should, at a minimum, cross out lines 158-160.  Although this new form offer may make the broker’s […]

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Association Academy: The 10 Commandments of Association Management

Thank you to all who attended our FIRST EVER virtual Association Academy!  We had record-breaking attendance by property managers and board members.  If you missed it, don’t fret, we recorded it for you, and you can access at any time. To view the recording click HERE.  We reveal the 10 commandments of what association management “Shalt

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Association Academy: Your Rules, Robert’s NEW Rules and Court Rules Relating to Fines

Please join the Condominium & HOA Law Team on February 5, 2021, as we outline the NEW 2020 Robert’s Rules, how parliamentary procedure should be used to run meetings more efficiently, some case examples of fine issues that arise and how to solve them, some basic collection reminders relating to death, trusts and mortgages and

Association Academy: Your Rules, Robert’s NEW Rules and Court Rules Relating to Fines Read More »

Conflicts of Interest and The Boards Power to Interpret the Governing Documents

What you need to know: Where the governing documents or the statute place the authority to interpret the governing documents with the board, the board’s interpretation will be binding unless unreasonable. However, if a director has a conflict of interest, the director can’t be part of the decision making process or the vote and must

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Association Academy: The 10 Commandments of Association Management – September 25, 2020

Please join the Condominium & HOA Law Team as we reveal the 10 commandments of what association management “Shalt Not” do while governing. Together, we’ll cover the basics of what homeowner associations (HOAs), condo boards and managers need to know. We’ll also dive into the nitty gritty of assessment collections. Presenters Lydia Chartre, Partner, CCAL

Association Academy: The 10 Commandments of Association Management – September 25, 2020 Read More »

Directed Proxies vs. Absentee Ballots: What is the Difference and Can Our Association Use Them?

I have written before on the subject of associations’ continuing struggle to convince enough unit owners to attend owner meetings in order to meet quorum requirements, and otherwise to simply get business done. Recognizing that not every condominium association may be ready to take the step to convert to “E-voting,” another way to ease the

Directed Proxies vs. Absentee Ballots: What is the Difference and Can Our Association Use Them? Read More »