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Condo | HOA Lawyers


Developers Sometimes Draft Documents for Their Own Benefit

A Court in Colorado recently dealt with a developer who placed a provision in the declaration of a condominium association prohibiting amendment of the declaration – ever – without the declarant’s written consent, and requiring that all construction defect claims be resolved through arbitration (Vallagio at Inverness Residential Condominium Association, Inc. v. Metropolitan Homes, Inc.

Developers Sometimes Draft Documents for Their Own Benefit Read More »

Amendments to Condominium Documents MUST be Reasonable to be Valid

Facts In 2016, a Master Association adopted seven amendments to its declaration.  The amendments addressed the Master Association’s authority to approve proposed uses of certain buildings, increased assessments on them, and imposed additional restrictions on those buildings’ tenants.  In response, the building’s prior owner (“Building Owner”) filed suit against the Master Association and eight individual

Amendments to Condominium Documents MUST be Reasonable to be Valid Read More »