
What is the Difference Between Community Association Directors and Officers?

I recently read an article on the difference between condominium and homeowner association officers and directors by an attorney out of Ohio, Jennifer B. Cusimano of Kaman & Cusimano, LLC.  It was well written, clarified a subject that is often confused, and inspired me to do my best to explain the difference to our readers.

What is the Difference Between Community Association Directors and Officers? Read More »

Condo and HOA Virtual/ZOOM Meetings in Wisconsin – How Legal Are They?

Most condominiums and homeowner associations (HOAs) are nonstock corporations under Wisconsin Chapter 181.  As such their members can make decisions one of three ways: Holding a meeting; Action by written consent (181.0704 Wis. Stat.). This may be used unless “limited or otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws…”  For an association to act

Condo and HOA Virtual/ZOOM Meetings in Wisconsin – How Legal Are They? Read More »