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Condo | HOA Lawyers


If Your Association Fails to Hold Board Elections at an Annual Meeting, Do You Still Have a Board? The Answer May Surprise You…

As Condominium and HOA attorneys, we often receive questions from our clients dealing with all the issues that can get in the way of conducting a successful annual meeting. Most often, it is the issue of not being able to achieve a quorum of owners in attendance—which stymies the Association’s ability to hold Board member

If Your Association Fails to Hold Board Elections at an Annual Meeting, Do You Still Have a Board? The Answer May Surprise You… Read More »

Condo and HOA Virtual/ZOOM Meetings in Wisconsin – How Legal Are They?

Most condominiums and homeowner associations (HOAs) are nonstock corporations under Wisconsin Chapter 181.  As such their members can make decisions one of three ways: Holding a meeting; Action by written consent (181.0704 Wis. Stat.). This may be used unless “limited or otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws…”  For an association to act

Condo and HOA Virtual/ZOOM Meetings in Wisconsin – How Legal Are They? Read More »

Conducting a Successful Annual Meeting (Through Creative Use of Proxies, and Other Ideas…)

Time and time again we hear that one of the biggest challenges in conducting annual Association meetings is simply achieving a quorum (in other words, getting enough butts in the seats). Without a quorum, business cannot be conducted, votes cannot be taken, and the Association’s operations are virtually stymied. The Association is forced to adjourn

Conducting a Successful Annual Meeting (Through Creative Use of Proxies, and Other Ideas…) Read More »