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Condo | HOA Lawyers


Smoking and the Unreasonable Unit Owner Attorney

A unit owner, who is also an attorney, was renting his unit to his mother and believed that the condominium association board, the association, the property manager and the association’s attorney didn’t like him because of his Russian nationality. His mother, who allegedly had asthma and could not tolerate smoking, was upset because her Armenian […]

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Tenants Due Process Rights are NOT the same as Owners Rights

Harbour Island Condominium Owners Association, Inc. v. Alexander, No. B285755 (Cal. Ct. App. Jan. 24, 2019) Summary In Harbour Island, the Court of Appeals of California held that tenants renting a unit that was part of a condominium association did not have standing before the board concerning meeting attendance and fines imposed for violations. The

Tenants Due Process Rights are NOT the same as Owners Rights Read More »

Fining for Tenant Violations? You Might be Doing it Wrong.

You might think that when a tenant breaks a rule, that you can simply fine him like you would fine an owner-occupant. Or, you might think that you can just notify and fine the owner/landlord for his tenant’s violation, since he’ll ultimately be responsible for the fine anyway, right? These assumptions are intuitive; however, anyone

Fining for Tenant Violations? You Might be Doing it Wrong. Read More »

Insurance Subrogation – Not Against A Condominium Tenant

Summary An insurance company can’t sue a condominium tenant in subrogation, even if they were negligent in starting a fire. The Facts The Declaration required the association to “obtain and maintain a … policy of all risk property insurance” for the association.  The Declaration also required the policy to name as insureds the unit owners

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Can Your Association End a Unit Owner’s Suit by Post-Suit Filing Actions?

In Welsh v. McNeil, 162 A.3d 135 (2017) a board member and unit owner (“Board Member”) sued another unit owner (“Landlord Unit Owner”) for violation of the Association documents claiming that the Landlord Unit Owner violated the leasing provisions by allowing someone (the “Tenant”) to occupy the premises who was not on the lease.  The

Can Your Association End a Unit Owner’s Suit by Post-Suit Filing Actions? Read More »