
Can you Agree to Waive your First Amendment Rights?

Facts Marshall Spiegel, the Unit Owner, had been in constant litigation with his Association for over 20 years regarding various matters surrounding the operation and maintenance of the common areas.  One of these lawsuits sought to establish set dates in which the community pool was to remain open, among other things. Spiegel and Association agreed […]

Can you Agree to Waive your First Amendment Rights? Read More »

Rules that Target Children Really Target Your Association (for Discrimination Lawsuits)

Does your Association have rules that target children?  Does your Association have rules that apply differently to children and adult residents within the community?  The following case is a cautionary tale for Condominium Associations and HOAs—repeal those rules now, or potentially face a losing battle pursuant to federal law. Facts In a federal district court

Rules that Target Children Really Target Your Association (for Discrimination Lawsuits) Read More »

Pools and Fitness Centers are Starting to Open Around the Country

My good friend Jim Slaughter, a CCAL attorney from North Carolina, just posted the following on his blog (I have condensed simply to show what other states are doing).  You can read his entire blog HERE. North Carolina Democratic Governor Roy Cooper announced Executive Order No. 204 (“Further Easing of Restrictions on Business and Gatherings”)

Pools and Fitness Centers are Starting to Open Around the Country Read More »