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Attorney Fees – How Do I Get a Court to Award Them to My Association and What is a Fee Shifting Provision?

Most states, including Wisconsin, follow the American Rule when it comes to attorney fees.  In simple terms, it provides that each side in a lawsuit is responsible for their own attorney fees (win or lose) unless: A statute or law provides otherwise; or A contract provides otherwise. Because the law recognizes your Association documents as […]

Attorney Fees – How Do I Get a Court to Award Them to My Association and What is a Fee Shifting Provision? Read More »

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Can the Association’s Lien for Unpaid Assessments be Stripped Off? YES

In New Jersey, the United Stated Bankruptcy Court held in In re. Smiley, 569 B.R. 377 (2017) that a Unit Owner/Debtor can modify the Association’s lien and strip off all but the six month super lien allowed under the state’s condominium act.  The facts at the time were that the Association was owed $9,000 for

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Can the Association’s Lien for Unpaid Assessments be Stripped Off? YES Read More »