Condo Lien

Owners are Liable for Assessments, Even When Corporate Formalities Not Perfectly Followed

Summary Declarant owned nine of 10 units, controlled the board and association, failed to have an association bank account, intermingled the assessments that were paid into his business account, never held elections or annual meetings and kept no separate corporate records.  Yet, the Court held that these failures could not be used as an excuse

Owners are Liable for Assessments, Even When Corporate Formalities Not Perfectly Followed Read More »

Doing Things Wrong can be VERY Costly, Which is Why Using an Experienced Association Attorney Matters

Summary Each owner of a lot in a planned community with multiple subdivisions was required to be a member of the master association – Holly Lake Ranch Association (HLRA).  Some of the owners voted to amend their particular subdivision’s respective deed restrictions.  The effect of which was to add a voting requirement for assessments, mandatory

Doing Things Wrong can be VERY Costly, Which is Why Using an Experienced Association Attorney Matters Read More »

Your Condo Lien can be Prior to a Federal Tax Lien if you File it Correctly, Timely & for the Full Amount Due

Summary The United States District Court held that a prior recorded condominium lien had priority over a federal tax lien but only to the extent of the amount stated in the lien notice. SO make sure you get everything you should in your lien filing. I want to thank attorney William Z. Kolobaric and Hirzel

Your Condo Lien can be Prior to a Federal Tax Lien if you File it Correctly, Timely & for the Full Amount Due Read More »