Fair Housing Act

Reasonable Modifications and the Fair Housing Act—Knowing the Law Can Help Your Association Proactively Avoid Lawsuits

Did you know that homeowners have the right to request reasonable modifications to the common area if they are disabled and the proposed modification helps them use and enjoy the property as it is meant to be?  The federal Fair Housing Act provides as much, and protects disabled condominium and HOA owners who may require

Reasonable Modifications and the Fair Housing Act—Knowing the Law Can Help Your Association Proactively Avoid Lawsuits Read More »

FHA Update

Non-action may no longer be a safe choice. In October of 2016, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) added certain provisions to the Fair Housing Act (“FHA”) which impose additional liability for condominium associations, homeowners associations, and landlords based on non-action. One of the main additions to the FHA was the

FHA Update Read More »

Sued! What Should Our Wisconsin Condominium or Homeowners Association Do NOW?

Condominium associations and homeowner associations are sued every day. These suits can arise based on construction claims, contract claims, negligence claims and various alleged statutory violations – We all know about the Fair House Act!  Or the Wisconsin (or whatever state you are in) Consumer Act!  Associations seem to attract people who feel that they

Sued! What Should Our Wisconsin Condominium or Homeowners Association Do NOW? Read More »

Can an Association’s Denial of a Valid Emotional Support Animal Request Create a Hostile Environment?

A Board’s blatant mishandling of an emotional support animal request led to the owner not only having a Fair Housing claim against the Association for wrongful failure to provide a reasonable accommodation, but also a claim for third-party harassment when the Association failed to step in and stop other unit owners from blasting the owner

Can an Association’s Denial of a Valid Emotional Support Animal Request Create a Hostile Environment? Read More »

Education, Education, Education – Overcoming Harassment, Racism and Hostility in Community Associations

Let’s face it, 2020 was rough and not everyone was nice about it.  Hate crimes have increased dramatically over the last six years.  Heightened political tensions have led to family quarrels and neighbor-to-neighbor feuds.  And to top it all off, the COVID pandemic and corresponding lockdowns has made most of us a little stir crazy.

Education, Education, Education – Overcoming Harassment, Racism and Hostility in Community Associations Read More »

YES Associations Can Deny a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation Under the FHA and WIN!!!

Facts Defendant, Acacia on the Green (“Association”), is a 273-unit condominium in Ohio.  The Association has a common grilling area because the Association bans grills on patios and balconies because of, among other things, the fire code.  Weiss and Phillips, two Unit Owners, wanted grills on their patios: Weiss asked for a grill and demanded

YES Associations Can Deny a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation Under the FHA and WIN!!! Read More »

Documenting a Service Animal—Is the Association Allowed to Ask? The Wrong Answer will Cost You.

Even though most private residential Associations are not subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”), the Fair Housing Act (the “FHA”) still applies and protects owners who have service animals. In some cases, the Association has the right to ask the owner for documentation supporting the need for a service animal, but not

Documenting a Service Animal—Is the Association Allowed to Ask? The Wrong Answer will Cost You. Read More »