From January 21-23, several of the Kaman & Cusimano, LLC attorneys attended the national Community Association Institute Law Seminar. The attorneys learned about a variety of topics including Association collections, case law updates, legislative updates, the new FHA guidelines, zoning restrictions, expert witnesses, and the Board’s exercise of business judgment. Presented by the College of Community Association Lawyers, to which attorneys David Kaman and Jay Cusimano are members, this seminar provides community association attorneys with a forum to tackle national community association legal issues.
Additionally, Kaman & Cusimano, LLC partner Darcy Mehling Good presented a section of the seminar entitled “Keep Fraud’s Ugly Head Out of Your Community Association.” This section included “explaining the factors that foster the opportunity for fraud and discuss and identify proactive measures that an association can take to protect itself.”
Kaman & Cusimano, LLC prides itself on its “communication not litigation” philosophy. Attending these national law seminars provides our attorneys with yet another valuable resource in representing our community association clients.