Kate recently attended the Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) meeting in Tuscan last week and was reelected to her second 3-year term as a Commissioner of CAMICB, and was also re-elected to the leadership team as an officer as the Secretary/Treasurer. Kate’s 2nd term is to commence in January. Congratulations Kate!
Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) administers the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA). CAMICB is the professional accreditation body for over 20,000 community association managers worldwide. CAMICB is governed by a nine-member Board of Commissioners.
The purpose of CAMICB is to ensure that community association managers practice with professionalism, integrity and knowledge. To do so, we administer the Certified Manager of Community Associations certificate program, the only internationally accredited certification program in the field.